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Beyond Bharat Ka Naksha: India vs Bharat!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Two Names, One Heart: The Story of India and Bharat

Hello readers! Have you ever wondered why some people call our country India, while others call it Bharat? This duality is a bit like the “Bharat Ka Naksha” that aims to showcase the diversity and depth of our nation. Both names for our country are actually correct! It’s similar to how some of you might have two names – one that you use at school and another special name that only your family calls you at home.

The Magic of Two Names

Imagine you have two toy boxes. One toy box is full of colorful Legos, building blocks that represent the modern world. We’ll call this the “India” toy box. The other toy box is filled with traditional Indian toys like clay dolls and wooden animals, symbolizing the rich history and traditions of our country. We’ll call this the “Bharat” toy box. Both toy boxes belong to you. They’re different but they make you the whole amazing person you are. That’s how the names “India” and “Bharat” work! 

Names from Long, Long Ago

Once upon a time, long before you and I were born, our country was known as “India” by people from distant lands who were drawn to the area near the big, flowing river Indus. On the other hand, the residents themselves referred to their homeland as “Bharat,” named after a legendary king. This dual identity is as old as the ancient maps, or “Bharat Ka Naksha,” that have depicted our diverse and storied landscape over the centuries.

You know how grandmas have cool stories from “the good old days”? Well, when our country became free in 1947, our leaders had to decide what to call our new country. Some leaders from Pakistan wanted to call it “Hindustan” or “Bharat”, but our leaders stuck with the name “India,” and that’s how it’s been known all around the world!

Why Both Names Matter?

Imagine if you had to choose between your favorite ice cream flavors, chocolate and vanilla. How hard would that be, right? Thankfully, you can swirl them together in one cone! Similarly, our Constitution, which is like the rule book for our country, swirls together both names, “India” and “Bharat”.

You see, some people feel really connected to the name “Bharat” because it takes them back to our country’s roots. Others like the name “India” because it represents our place in the modern world. Just like chocolate and vanilla, both are good, and they make the cone of our country extra delicious!

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat: Names that Unite Us

Sometimes words are like magic spells. They make us feel strong and connected. When people in India say “Jai Hind” or “Jai Bharat,” it’s like a secret handshake or a team cheer. These words remind us that even though we might speak different languages or come from different places, we’re all one big family!

Should We Choose Just One?

So, is it better to call our country “India” or “Bharat”? Well, how about both? It’s like having both your grandma and your best friend call you by your special names. They both love you, and that’s what matters! And remember, choosing just one name might make some people feel left out, like choosing only one flavor of ice cream! 

So, let’s celebrate both names, because two names are better than one, and they make our country uniquely wonderful! 

Thanks for reading, and remember, whether you call it India or Bharat, our country is a treasure chest of stories, history, and love! It’s like a vibrant tapestry reflected in Bharat Ka Naksha—every state, city, and village contributing to its rich cultural landscape.

Do-It-Yourself Activity: Jumble Words Puzzle 

Here are some jumbled words related to our story. Can you unscramble them?

  1. INIDA
  2. RTBHA

(Scroll down for answers)

Quiz Time: True or False? 

  1. India is only called “India” in the English language.
  2. The name “Bharat” is older than the name “India”.
  3. Pakistan wanted the new country to be called “Hindustan”.

Answers to Jumble Words Puzzle and Quiz

Jumble Words Puzzle:

  1. INDIA

Quiz Answers:

  1. False
  2. True
  3. True

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