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Bhavani Devi becomes first ever Indian fencer to qualify for Olympics


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little champ! Today, We’re going to tell you a super cool story about a brave and talented person named Bhavani Devi. She is from India, a place far away, and she’s about to do something amazing at a big sports competition called the Olympics! 

Fencing Trailblazer: Bhavani’s Olympic Quest

  • Okay, so first, let’s talk about the Olympics. It’s a huge event where people from all over the world come together to compete in different sports. But guess what? Last time, they couldn’t do it because of a very tricky virus called COVID-19. But this year, they’re finally having the Olympics in a place called Tokyo, in Japan! Yay! 
  • Now, in this Olympics, something special is happening for India. For the first time ever, there will be an Indian competitor in a sport called “fencing.” It’s not like the kind of fencing you see around gardens, but it’s a sport where people use long, thin, and pointy weapons called “foils” to play.
  • So, Bhavani Devi is the brave and awesome person who is going to represent India in fencing. She comes from a place called Tamil Nadu, which is really cool! She’s super good at this sport and has won eight big competitions in India! Wow! 
  • Now, you might be wondering how Bhavani got a chance to be in the Olympics. Well, she had to work really hard and compete with fencers from all over the world. It’s not easy, you know! But she did it! She qualified for the Olympics in a special way called the “Adjusted Official Ranking (AOR) Method.” It’s like getting a golden ticket to a fantastic adventure! 
  • But wait, there’s more fun stuff! Bhavani Devi is not just going to the Olympics; she also won gold at another big event with fencers from different countries! She’s truly a fencing superstar! 
  • Now, let me explain what fencing is. Imagine playing with long, thin, and pointy foils. It’s like a pretend sword fight, but you get points by touching your opponent with the foil. It’s all safe and controlled, like playing a friendly game with rules. Fencing has three cool styles: the foil, the épée, and the sabre. Each style has its own special rules and ways to play. How exciting! 
  • So, my little friend, let’s wrap up our story. Bhavani Devi is a brave and talented fencer from India, and she’s going to show her skills at the Olympics in Tokyo. It’s a huge deal because she’s the first-ever Indian fencer at the Olympics! We’re all cheering for her and hoping she does her best. Go, Bhavani, go! You’re our fencing hero! 
  • Remember, it doesn’t matter where you come from; if you work hard and believe in yourself, you can achieve amazing things, just like Bhavani. So dream big and reach for the stars, my little champion!

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