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Blind photographer Pranav Lal uses sound to take photos


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Get ready to hear an incredible story about a super cool photographer named Pranav Lal. He’s all the way from Delhi and has a special talent that makes him stand out. Wanna know what it is?

Well, Pranav has been blind since he was born, but guess what? That hasn’t stopped him from being an awesome photographer!

Pranav uses some really nifty technology to capture stunning pictures of the world around him. It’s called “The vOICe” (pronounced “voice”), and it’s like magic for his ears! You see, this clever technology turns live camera images into sounds. How crazy is that?

Capturing Sight: Pranav’s Incredible Journey

  • When Pranav takes a picture with his special camera, the vOICe turns the image into sound. Imagine if your camera could talk to you! As the camera scans from left to right, the pitch of the sounds changes, and that tells Pranav how high or low objects are. And guess what else? The volume of the sounds helps him know how bright or dark things are. It’s like he’s using his ears as eyes!
  • “The vOICe” was created a long time ago in the 1980s by a super smart engineer from the Netherlands named Peter Meijer. He must have some serious brain power! Over the years, the vOICe has gotten even better, thanks to Peter and his team. They have a website called “Seeing with Sound” that you can check out if you’re curious. You know what’s even cooler? The vOICe can be used with Android mobile devices too! Talk about technology that’s out of this world!
  • Photography is just a hobby for Pranav, and he actually works in a company in Delhi. But when the pandemic is over, he can’t wait to travel again and take even more amazing photos. Imagine all the incredible sights he’ll capture with his camera that talks to him!
  • Pranav Lal is a true inspiration, showing us that nothing can hold us back from doing what we love, no matter what challenges we face. So, keep dreaming big, little buddy, and remember that there’s always a way to turn your dreams into reality, just like Pranav did with his awesome photography skills!

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