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Book Review: The Remarkable Rocket by Oscar Wilde


Recommended for Book Reviews

The Grand Wedding Celebration

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The Excitement Begins

Once upon a time, in the realm of Oscar Wilde’s enchanting stories, a grand wedding stirred the kingdom into a whirlwind of excitement. A prince and a princess, the stars of this tale, were about to unite in a splendid ceremony.

The kingdom, adorned in vibrant banners and sweet-smelling flowers, resembled a page from a beloved fairy tale. Joy danced in the air, as people from all corners of the land joined in the festive spirit, eagerly anticipating the celebrations.

The Remarkable Rocket Prepares

In a secluded section of the King’s garden, a group of fireworks waited with bated breath for their moment to illuminate the night sky. Among them stood the Remarkable Rocket, towering and majestic.

He constantly reminded everyone, “I am not merely a rocket; I am an Oscar Wilde masterpiece, destined to outshine the stars!” His voice, full of pride, echoed through the garden, as he fantasized about his upcoming performance.

A Conversation Amongst Fireworks

The fireworks engaged in lively chatter, exchanging stories of past glories and dreams of the night ahead. However, the Remarkable Rocket dominated the conversation, endlessly boasting about his expected brilliance.

“Imagine a thousand stars coming to life at once; that will be me!” he proclaimed. The others listened, with reactions ranging from amusement to irritation. The Bengal Light, wise and seasoned, recognized the Rocket’s vanity but chose to respond with a knowing smile, understanding the folly in arguing with such arrogance.

The Unexpected Turn of Events

A Tearful Mistake

In the midst of his grand speeches and boastful claims, the Remarkable Rocket, overwhelmed by his own sense of importance, began to shed tears. He seemed to forget an essential truth: tears and gunpowder make a disastrous mix.

A small, wise Catherine Wheel spoke up, her voice tinged with concern. “Oh dear Rocket, why do you cry? Your tears will dampen not just your spirits but also your gunpowder!”

Despite her warning, the Rocket, engulfed in his own world, continued to weep, letting his emotions cloud his judgment and dampen his powder.

The Night of Lights

The long-awaited night arrived, cloaked in a blanket of stars, with the moon shining like a silver pendant in the sky. It was a perfect backdrop for the grandeur that was about to unfold.

One after another, the fireworks took their turn, soaring into the sky, painting it with vibrant colors and patterns. The crowd gasped and cheered at the spectacle.

However, when the time came for the Remarkable Rocket, he remained still, unable to ignite. His damp powder, a victim of his own tears, betrayed him. He lay there, silent and unlit, while the others danced in the sky.

Over the Wall

Feeling discarded and useless, the Remarkable Rocket soon found himself tossed carelessly over the palace wall. He landed in a ditch, far from the merriment and admiration he so craved. In this new, lonely environment, he encountered a frog, a dragonfly, and a duck in succession.

Each of these creatures tried to engage with him, offering conversation and company.

But the Rocket, wrapped up in his own self-importance, failed to reciprocate their kindness. Instead, he dismissed them, one by one, too absorbed in his own plight to realize the value of their company.

The Unseen Finale

The Unexpected Awakening

Two young boys, exploring the palace grounds, stumbled upon the Remarkable Rocket. They didn’t know his story or his grand delusions. To them, he was just an abandoned stick, perfect for their game.

“Look at this!” one boy exclaimed, picking up the Rocket with a sense of discovery. The Rocket, mistaking this for a royal summon, swelled with pride.

“At last, my moment has come,” he thought, eagerly anticipating his performance before an audience he believed deserved him.

A Skyward Journey

The boys, unaware of the Rocket’s true identity, tossed him into a small bonfire they had crafted. Flames licked at the Rocket’s sides, igniting his dampened powder.

With a sudden burst of energy, he soared into the sky, his long-awaited launch finally happening. But it was broad daylight, and the splendor of his colors paled against the bright sun.

The two boys, exhausted from their adventures, had fallen asleep beside the fire, leaving the Rocket to perform his grand display unwatched and unappreciated.

The Final Words

As he reached the peak of his flight, the Remarkable Rocket exploded into a dazzling array of colors and sounds. In his last moments, he reveled in his own brilliance, still unaware of the empty audience below.

“I knew I should create a great sensation,” he proclaimed, his voice echoing through the empty sky. But his words fell on no ears but his own.

He had achieved his grand finale, but without witnesses, it was as if it never happened. The Rocket’s final performance, meant to be his greatest achievement, became a silent spectacle known only to the birds and the clouds.

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