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Brazil’s football king Pele passes away!


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Edson Arantes do Nascimento, better known as Pele, passed away on 29 December 2022. Pele’s teammates recall him as a “player from another planet”.

Brazil proclaimed three days of mourning in response to his death. In addition, world leaders, fans, and friends paid their respects to the legendary athlete.

Pele, a football player, was known for his amazing skills, lightning-fast speed, and deadly accuracy in front of the goal.

After becoming a legend in his native Brazil, he went on to become a sports icon around the world. Off the field, he was a dedicated activist for social justice. He worked to improve the lives of some of the poorest people in society.

Key facts!

  • Pele’s father instructed him in the game of football.
  • However, his family was poor and could not purchase a ball.
  • As a result, the young Pele would often practise his skills by kicking a rolled-up sock around the neighbourhood.
  • His classmates were the ones who gave him the nickname “Pele” for the first time.
  • Despite the fact that he and none of his buddies had any understanding of what the term actually refers to.
  • At the age of 15, Pele was a star player for the Brazilian national football team.
  • Pele, who was only 16 years old when he scored his goal thus he holds the record for being the youngest player to score in an international competition.
  • The fact that Pele is the only player in history to win three World Cups (in 1958, 1962, and 1970) is as impressive as his amazing record of accomplishments.
  • He also tried acting and made small appearances in some Hollywood films.
  • In 1992, he became UNESCO’s ambassador for ecology and the environment.
  • He was also honoured as an honorary Knight Commander of the British Empire.
  • Pele’s Law, which was enacted in 1998, is credited with bringing the administration of sports in the country into the modern era.
  • In 2005, he was given an award for lifetime achievement for his accomplishments.
  • In the later years of his life, he appeared to be confined to a wheelchair as a result of complications resulting from hip surgery.
  • However, during his prime, the simple fact that he was so athletic provided joy to millions of people, and the natural talent he possessed earned him the respect of both his teammates and his opponents.

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