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Bending light – Can gravity bend light?


Recommended for Middle Grades

Bending light


  • For hundreds of years, we know the effects of gravity (Pull of the earth).
  • But we had no idea how it worked. In Einstein’s view, gravity is a fundamental part of the universe.
  • It bends, twists and ripples as objects move.
  • The first scientist who worked on this was Sir Isaac Newton.
  • He devised that gravity affects light.
  • He measured changes with the help of photography, 


  • Over a century later, Einstein developed his theory of general relativity. 
  • Einstein said that general relativity explains the bending of light.
  • The universe is not simply space, but a more complex existence called space-time, which is warped, twisted or bent out of shape by heavy objects.


  • However, the first successful attempt was in 1919.
  • The gravitational deflection of light is measured.
  • Two British groups took photographs of a region of the sky. 
  • Photographs were taken between two Solar eclipses.
  • The results showed that light was deflected or bent.
  • Measurement was done on the repetition of eclipses.
  • In 1967 the measurements with a set of radio telescopes gave much greater accuracy.


  • In addition, high accuracy deflection of light has been a great boon to studies of the universe.
  • In addition, masses acting as gravitational lenses have now become a standard tool of astronomy.

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