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Check Out Team India’s Stylish Makeover!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little cricket fanatics! We’ve got some exciting news for you! Brace yourselves because Adidas, yes, the famous sportswear brand, has teamed up with the BCCI (that’s the Board of Control for Cricket in India) to become the super-duper exclusive kit sponsor for the Indian cricket team. Can you believe it? It’s like a match made in cricket heaven!

Now, listen up. You can get your hands on these brand-spanking-new jerseys on the official Adidas website. And guess what? The Indian cricket team is going to debut these fancy new jerseys during the World Test Championship Finals. That’s like the grandest stage for cricket, where the best teams battle it out for glory. Talk about making an entrance!

Important Details

  • But wait, there’s more to this cricket fashion extravaganza! The Indian cricket team will also rock these fresh jerseys during the ICC ODI Cricket World Cup 2023. And here’s a fun fact for you all – it will be the first time ever that the ODI World Cup is happening entirely in India. Woohoo!
  • Oh, and did we mention that the BCCI released a cool video featuring some of your favorite cricket stars? Yes, Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma, Hardik Pandya, and Harmanpreet Kaur were all rocking the new Indian jerseys made by Adidas. They look like real cricket superheroes!
  • The BCCI tweeted about this exciting partnership and said, “The jersey that makes you feel just one thing, Impossible Is Nothing!” Wow, sounds like these jerseys have some magical powers too!
  • So, little cricket champions, mark your calendars for the World Test Championship Finals because that’s when the Indian cricket team will make their grand jersey debut. And remember, Adidas is the exclusive kit sponsor for the BCCI until March 2028, so get ready to see our favorite players shining in those three stripes. It’s going to be a match made in cricket fashion heaven!

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