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Image depicting China sends space camera to help Egypt!

China sends space camera to help Egypt!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

China and Egypt are working together to make new things that can go up into space. They made a new remote-sensing satellite called Horus 2. The satellite is like a big camera that can take pictures of the Earth.

Further, this is the second satellite that China and Egypt are working on together, with more to come.

Key facts!

  • Horus 2 was launched by a rocket called Long March 2C from a desert in China.
  • The rocket flew into space and released the satellite, which is now orbiting the Earth.
  • Horus 2 is a satellite that was launched into space by Egypt in collaboration with the Chinese government.
  • The satellite is named after the ancient Egyptian god Horus, who was often depicted as a falcon.
  • Horus 2 is a remote-sensing satellite, which means it is designed to capture images and data from space to learn more about Earth’s surface.
  • With the help of Horus 2, scientists can track changes to land, oceans, and even the atmosphere over time.
  • Horus 2 is part of Egypt’s larger effort to develop its space program and become a leader in space exploration in the Middle East.
  • China is planning many more space missions in the future.
  • This includes sending people to a space station that they have built.

Related Articles!

A YouTube channel called “Geospatial Universe” explains what a remote-sensing satellite is.

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