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National Constitution Day


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India celebrates National Constitution Day every year on November 26th. It used to be called Law Day. This day remembers India’s path to self-rule and democracy.

In 2023, the day is extra special. It’s the 132nd birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He was crucial in creating India’s Constitution.

We will look closely at the history of National Constitution Day. We’ll focus on important people like Ambedkar and how this day deeply affects India today.

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Historical Background:

  • Inception of Constitution Day: National Constitution Day started when India was becoming independent from British rule. The Constituent Assembly adopted the important Indian Constitution on November 26, 1949. At first, people celebrated it as Law Day. But in 2015, the Government of India renamed it National Constitution Day to highlight its importance.
  • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Role: National Constitution Day’s story isn’t complete without recognizing Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s work. He led the Drafting Committee and was key in making the Constitution. His ideas and legal knowledge helped create a document that stands for justice, freedom, equality, and unity

Constitutional Journey

  • The Drafting Process: It took almost three years to write the Indian Constitution, the longest in the world. Dr. Ambedkar led the Constituent Assembly in carefully creating it. They made sure it showed the hopes of a newly free India.
  • Constitutional Provisions and Values: The Indian Constitution clearly states that India is a free, socialist, secular, and democratic country. It sets the rules for how the country should be run and explains the basic rights and responsibilities of its people. This helps keep the country united and respectful of its many different people.
  • Samvidhan Divas: Known also as Samvidhan Divas, National Constitution Day is a reflection of India’s rich legal and political heritage. It marks the day when the Constituent Assembly adopted the draft Constitution with some amendments, a significant step in India’s democratic journey.

Significance and Celebration:

  • Symbolic Importance: National Constitution Day marks India’s shift from being a colony to governing itself. On this day, we remember the hard work and vision of leaders like Dr. Ambedkar and Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
  • Educational and Awareness Initiatives: National Constitution Day is more than just ceremonies. It includes many educational activities to teach people, especially young ones, about the Constitution. These efforts help everyone learn about its important values.

Constitutional Reflection

  • Promoting Constitutional Values: On November 19, 2015, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment made a big move. They declared November 26 as Constitution Day. This decision helped highlight the day’s importance. The government did this to teach and strengthen constitutional values in the people.
  • Reflection on Rights and Duties: This day lets us think about our rights and duties in the Constitution. It urges us to consider how we support justice, freedom, equality, and brotherhood.

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