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Image depicting 3,600-year-old silver coins!

3,600-year-old silver coins!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

A new study suggests that silver hoards found in Israel and Gaza may be the oldest silver money ever found in the area.

The silver hoards don’t have coins in them. Instead, they have oddly shaped pieces of silver. Most likely, these came from faraway places in what is now Turkey and Europe.

What is coinage?

The coins used in a country are called its “coinage.”

What are coin hoards?

Hoards of coins are big piles of coins that are usually buried or hidden to keep them safe.

The researchers analysed more than twenty-five silver artefacts that were discovered in four hoards at Bronze Age archaeological sites.

Key facts!

  • There is a possibility that hoards dating back 3,600 years in Israel and Gaza contain the first examples of silver coinage.
  • A recent examination of ancient silver hoards reveals that metal was used as currency as early as the Bronze Age.
  • The findings of the study suggest that these ancient silver hoards were brought to the region from Turkey and Europe.
  • According to the experts, the hoards that were recently examined date back to approximately 1550 B.C.
  • It is possible that the practice of using cut silver as currency is a sign that people in the region were more numerically literate than their predecessors.
  • As a result, they were able to accurately measure the weight of silver when making payments.
  • The study also suggested there would have been a variety of different modes of trading.
  • And silver was the method of payment.
  • Thus if you wanted to value your wheat or if you wanted to value your textiles, you would have valued them in silver.

‘History Guy,’ a YouTuber, explains how coins got where they are now.

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