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Image depicting EELS: NASA's Snake on Saturn's Moon!

EELS: NASA’s Snake on Saturn’s Moon!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little scientists! Are you ready to hear about some out-of-this-world discoveries? Well, hold onto your lab coats, because NASA has been up to some exciting things!

In case you haven’t heard, NASA is testing a robot snake called EELS to explore the oceans of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. Yes, you heard that right, a robot snake! But don’t worry, it’s not slimy or dangerous, it’s actually quite helpful.

Important Details

  • EELS stands for “End-to-End Learning for Subsurface Sensing.” It’s designed to explore otherwise inaccessible locations on Earth, Mars, and beyond. Enceladus, in particular, is an interesting target for exploration. This is because it has a subsurface ocean that could potentially harbor life!
  • So, how does EELS work? Well, it’s equipped with a camera, a spectrometer, and a laser. This allows it to analyze the composition of the environment it’s exploring. It’s also able to navigate through tight spaces and around obstacles thanks to its unique snake-like design.
  • But why do we care about exploring the oceans of Enceladus? Well, as we mentioned before, it could potentially be home to life. And even if we don’t find life there, studying the oceans of Enceladus could help us better understand the origins of life in our own solar system and beyond.
  • The idea of a robot snake exploring the oceans of a distant moon might sound like science fiction, but it’s very real, and it’s happening right now.
  • Who knows what other exciting discoveries NASA has up their sleeves? So, keep your eyes on the skies (and the oceans), young scientists, because there’s always something new and exciting to learn!

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Before EELS could slither down those narrow vents, NASA had to test it out in different environments with some prototypes.

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