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Elon Musk purchases Twitter


Recommended for Middle Grades

Elon Musk joined the Twitter company board approximately two weeks ago. He has agreed to buy the company approximately for $44 billion. The CEO of Tesla has said that he wants to purchase Twitter and convert it into a free-speech platform. Free speech means that users should have the right to share their views.

New Twitter features

Elon Musk, now a member of the company board, said in a statement that he wants to make Twitter a better service. He wants to bring some changes to the service as well.
  • Making Twitter a free-speech platform.
  • Getting rid of the automated bots on Twitter
  • Opening the algorithms to the public increases people’s trust.
  • He added that Twitter is a platform where different matters that are important for humanity are debated. People from all over the world participate in it.

Twitter Purchase Effect on the World

  • With the purchase of Twitter, Elon Musk also received a message from the EU internet head that they will have to follow the internet rules in the country.
  • The people of Saudi Arabia are happiest as Musk purchases Twitter.
  • They are happy that Musk will improve Twitter more efficiently.
  • Though, the new structure of Twitter is not known.
  • It will be revealed in the coming days. We can just wait and watch until any news come up.
  • Until then, stay tuned with us.

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