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Enid Blyton wrote 700+ children’s books


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Do you like to read books? Can you name any author who is your favourite?

Enid Blyton was a  famous children’s author. Her books have been bestsellers since 1930s. Her books are still popular amongst children, and they have been translated into 90 different languages.

The author wrote on a variety of topics which includes education, natural history, fantasy, mystery and narratives.

Enid Blyton’s first book was a poetry collection named Child Whispers. It was published in 1922. Her early novels include Adventures of the Wishing-Chair and The Enchanted Wood. With the success of her early novels, Enid Blyton started to move ahead, sometimes producing 50 novels in a year.

Moreover, the author wrote the books in series, with a continuation.

Her best works include a long list:

  • Noddy
  • Famous Five
  • Secret Seven
  • The Five Find-Outers
  • Malory Towers
  • Mystery Series
  • St Clare’s

All of these novels are super interesting, mysterious and entertaining at the same time.

Have you read any of the Enid Blyton books? Which one is your favourite? Let us know in the comments below.

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