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Five of the rarest and weirdest mammals in the world


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

What are mammals? They are a type of animal that give birth to live babies, not eggs. And they feed their young on milk from their own body. Humans are also considered to be mammals.

One strange mammal is the platypus, which lays eggs, instead of giving birth to its young. Today, let’s learn about some of the rarest and weirdest mammals in the world.

  1. Echidna (see above) – Apart from the platypus, this is the only other mammal that also lays eggs. Popularly known as spiny anteaters, they are known to get scared easily and are few in number.
  2. Riverine rabbit – It is one of the most endangered mammals in the world and is found only in some parts of South Africa. Unlike other rabbits, it gives birth to only one baby at a time.
  3. Solenodons – They are the only mammals that inject prey with venom (poison). They are related to shrews and moles and are found only on the island of Hispaniola and Cuba.
  4. Bactrian camel – This camel has two humps and is found in the wide grasslands of Central Asia.
  5. Javan rhino – This is the rarest of all living rhinoceros species. Only the male Javan rhinos have horns. There are only around 60 of them alive and they live in protected national parks in Vietnam and Java, Indonesia.

Watch a video on the Javan rhino:


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There are many unique animals in the world that look and behave interestingly and differently. Have you heard about water bears or tardigrades? In fact, there are many unique, strange and rare animals that are also fascinating and amazing. Read more about such captivating creatures in our animal news for kids.

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