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Image depicting Google and Gujarat make money magic!

Google and Gujarat make money magic!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Guess what? Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, had a super important meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. They met in Washington, DC on June 23, and something really exciting happened!

Google’s India Investment

  • Sundar Pichai told the Prime Minister that Google is investing a whopping $10 billion in India’s digitisation fund. Wow, that’s a lot of money! And wait, there’s more! Sundar Pichai also announced that Google will be opening a global fintech operation center in Gujarat. Have you heard of Gujarat? It’s a place in India where they are building a super cool business district called GIFT city.
  • Sundar Pichai thinks Prime Minister Modi is really awesome! He said that the Prime Minister’s vision for Digital India is ahead of its time. That means the Prime Minister had some really smart ideas about using technology in India even before anyone else thought of them. Now other countries are looking at India’s plan as an example. That’s pretty impressive!
  •  Sundar Pichai was really honored to meet Prime Minister Modi. They talked about Google’s big investment in India’s digitisation fund. And guess what? Google will be opening a new fintech center in Gujarat. Other CEOs like the ones from Amazon and Boeing also met with the Prime Minister. They are excited to help create more jobs and support Indian businesses. It’s amazing to see how technology and big companies can work together to make our world better!
  • So, remember, when you hear about Google, Sundar Pichai, and Prime Minister Modi, you’ll know that something exciting is happening in India. Keep an eye out for more awesome news!

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