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Image depicting Guinea pigs enjoy TikTok fame!

Guinea pigs enjoy TikTok fame!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

As TikTok stars, guinea pigs are completely at ease in their roles. What began as a means to assist a grandfather in Tasmania with the cutting of his lawns has now exploded into a phenomenon on TikTok. 

What is a guinea pig?

The guinea pig, often known as the domestic guinea pig, belongs to the mouse family.

The owner of 37 pet guinea pigs, Steven Ransley, has constructed a miniature hamlet for them.

The hamlet is replete with homes, picnic tables and chairs, a water tank, a well, and a station for chopping wood.

Key facts!

  • “We needed something to keep the grass down in here because it takes me eight hours to snip all of this,” the owner of the guinea pigs stated.
  •  The owner who had recently retired, brought in over 500 wheelbarrows’ worth of rock and mud over the course of four months.
  • He then spent an additional five months building everything in his unique guinea pig village, which he named GuineaVale.
  • The animals at GuineaVale are allowed to roam freely within a big enclosure.
  • The enclosure is surrounded by a fruit orchard and is surrounded by fences.
  • The owner’s grandchildren inspired him to start filming TikTok videos of his guinea pigs around a year ago.
  •  And he has been posting them on the app ever since.
  • It’s only gotten bigger and bigger, he added.
  • “The views are starting to climb into the tens and hundreds of thousands or millions,” he said.
  • “The guinea pigs enjoy the concept that they’ve got all this space to wander around in and that even though they’re not wild, they are sort of wild,” he said.
  • The village has been really successful, claims the owner.
  • He claimed that everybody who came down here would just sit since the atmosphere was so relaxing.
  • The owner also expressed the hope that his grandchildren will one day think of him in connection with GuineaVale.

 Check out a day in GuineaVale.

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