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Image depicting Swiss chard - Healthify!

Swiss chard – Healthify!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Swiss chard is a dark green leafy vegetable. The lush green vegetable is a member of the beet family. It can be consumed either raw or cooked.

Fun facts about Swiss Chard!

  • Swiss chard belongs to a plant family named Chenopodioideae. Beetroot, spinach, etc also belong to this family.

Swiss chard - Healthify!

  • It is a great source of vitamins A, C, and K.
  • It also contains magnesium, potassium and iron which help to maintain a healthy body.
  • Since it is extremely low in calories, swiss chard hard is considered to be good for weight loss.

Swiss chard - Healthify!

  • Grown worldwide, swiss chard has many names, such as silverbeet, perpetual spinach, beet spinach, seakale beet or leaf beet
  • You can mainly find 3 varieties of it – rainbow chard,  fordhook giant and ruby red.
    • Rainbow chard has colourful red, pink, yellow or white stalks.
    • Fordhook giant has crinkly leaves and thick, white, tender stalks.
    • Ruby red chard has thin, red stalks and slightly stronger flavours.

Swiss chard - Healthify!

  • Swiss chard can be a healthy side dish along with rice or roti. It can also be a nutritious addition to pasta, soup and omelettes.
  • The leaves and stalks of chard can be boiled, steamed, or roasted. But, make sure that the leaves are rinsed several times in warm water, before cooking them.

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Watch a video

Check out this informative video on Swiss Chard by Youtube user “Clean and Delicious”.

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