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Spinach – Healthify!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Spinach is a leafy green flowering plant native to central and western Asia. Have you seen the cartoon show Popeye the Sailor Man? How does he gain his strength? From eating spinach!

Well, spinach may not give you super strength like Popeye,  but it is certainly very healthy for you. It is very easy to prepare and you can eat it raw or cooked.

Key facts!

  • Many cultures, especially in the Mediterranean region, the Middle East, and South East Asia use it in their food.
  • Spinach is very nutritious and healthy.
  • It contains mostly water and important nutrients like iron, calcium, vitamin K, and more.
  • Spinach is good for diabetes management, preventing heart diseases, asthma and cancer, maintaining bone health, etc.
  • Eating a lot of spinach also helps in maintaining healthy skin and hair.
  • You can use spinach in all kinds of dishes, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian.
  • A very popular Indian dish is palak paneer (cottage cheese with spinach).

Do you like eating spinach? What is your favourite spinach dish?

Zac and Tasi walk you through the importance of eating fruits and vegetables. 

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