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Image depicting History Made: First Woman Admiral!

History Made: First Woman Admiral!

Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, eager seeker! Big news today! President Joe Biden has done something really cool and surprising! He just nominated Admiral Lisa Franchetti to be the first-ever woman in charge of the U.S. Navy. That’s a huge deal because it’s breaking a barrier for women in the military!

An admiral is like a captain, but they’re in charge of many ships and sailors in the navy. They make important decisions to keep the ships safe and the sea peaceful. Admirals are chosen because they are very experienced, smart, and good at leading the navy. They have to work hard and show they can do a great job!

Glass Ceiling: Admiral Franchetti Shatters

  • People at the Pentagon were a bit surprised because they thought Admiral Samuel Paparo might get the nomination. He’s been dealing with challenges from China in the Pacific. But guess what? Admiral Franchetti is awesome too! She’s the Vice-Chief of Operations for the Navy, and she’s done all sorts of important things, like commanding U.S. Naval Forces in Korea.
  • President Biden said she has a whopping 38 years of experience! Can you imagine how much she knows about the Navy and military stuff?
  • Oh, this isn’t the first time President Biden has picked a woman to lead a military branch. Last year, he chose Admiral Linda Fagan to head the U.S. Coast Guard. But the Coast Guard is in a different department. Admiral Franchetti is a special lady who will be the first woman to lead an important group in the Defense Department. This group helps the President with important military decisions, like a superhero team! She’s really awesome!
  • But wait, there’s more! President Biden didn’t forget about Admiral Paparo. He’s been nominated to lead all the U.S. military forces in the Pacific. That’s a huge responsibility!
  • Unfortunately, there’s a bit of a hiccup happening in Congress right now. Senator Tommy Tuberville is putting a hold on all U.S. military nominations. He’s not happy about a policy in the Defense Department, and it’s causing some delays. But the Senate usually approves these nominations, so it’ll get sorted out eventually.
  • This delay is causing some issues in the military, though. The Marine Corps, one of the important members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, doesn’t have a confirmed leader right now. It’s the first time in over a hundred years! President Biden says this delay is not good for national security, and he’s right!
  • You know what? We should be proud of Admiral Franchetti for breaking this gender barrier and showing everyone that girls can be strong and lead too! And President Biden is cheering her on, saying she’s fantastic for the job!
  • So, even though there’s a little bump in the road, things will work out, and soon Admiral Franchetti will be doing amazing things for the U.S. Navy and our country. And you never know, maybe you’ll grow up to be a great leader too! Just remember, no matter what, you can achieve big things and make a difference, just like Admiral Franchetti and Admiral Fagan!
  • Keep smiling, keep dreaming, and keep being awesome! The world needs amazing readers like you!

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