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Image depicting How is NASA's Perseverance rover doing on Mars?

How is NASA’s Perseverance rover doing on Mars?


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Perseverance rover, which has been on Mars for three years, is looking for signs of life. The six-wheeled vehicle landed on Mars on February 18, 2021.

Since it got there, it has been studying the Red Planet’s rocks and soil. After two years of working on Mars, the rover Perseverance has successfully finished its mission.

The rover is about the size of a Small Utility Vehicle (SUV).  It is still looking for signs of life from the past. This could show that there was once life on the planet.

The rover is currently making its way into the Jazero crater, which is thought to have been the source of a huge lake on the surface of the planet a long time ago.

Key facts!

  • Since 18 February 18, 2021, the vehicle has been doing geological research and collecting samples from the surface of the Red Planet.
  • It recently finished constructing the first depot on another planet when it dropped tubes filled with samples of Martian rock and soil.
  • These samples will be delivered to Earth by future missions for a more in-depth examination.
  • Researchers aspire to gain a deeper understanding of the processes that have sculpted the surface of Mars.
  • Thus they plan to investigate samples brought back from Mars using powerful laboratory equipment here on Earth.
  • In the rover’s third year of operation, it has been given the mission of doing remote science and taking photos at a location known as “Jenkins Gap.”
  • The Perseverance has also collected 15 rock cores and established the first sample depot on another globe.
  • Furthermore, the rover has travelled a total of 14.97 kilometres across the foreign world during its two years of service on Mars.

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Watch a video

The Perseverance Martian Rover is discussed in detail by NASA in this short video.

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