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Image depicting Hummingbirds see colours that humans cannot imagine!

Hummingbirds see colours that humans cannot imagine!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hummingbirds are known for their bright colours, long beaks and fast flapping of wings. A recent discovery has shown that hummingbirds can see colours that are invisible to the human eye. These are known as nonspectral colours (or hues) – colours that are not part of the rainbow.

Fun facts about Hummingbird’s vision!

  • Humans can see one nonspectral colour – purple. We have 3 colour cones – red, blue and green. All the colours we see are a combination of the three.
  • However, birds have four colour cones. This means they can see ultraviolet light with their naked eyes (which we cannot).
  • In the study, researchers used an LED (tube light) device to display two different colours on circular surfaces next to hummingbird feeders.
  • One feeder would contain sugar water (which the birds like), while the other contained just plain water.
  • They kept changing the position of the coloured tube light so that the birds would not associate the sugar water with only one colour.
  • They found that the birds quickly learned which light indicated the sugar water.
  • It also showed that they could differentiate between green colour and ultraviolet+green colour. These look the same to humans.
  • The birds could also see other nonspectral colours, like purple, ultraviolet+red and ultraviolet+yellow.

Watch a video on the bee hummingbird below:

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