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Ice volcanoes found on the surface of Pluto


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Attention, young astronomers! Prepare to be amazed as we dive into the exciting world of outer space! Recently, the remarkable spacecraft called New Horizons embarked on an incredible journey to explore the distant dwarf planet, Pluto.

This incredible spacecraft, part of NASA’s New Frontiers Program, is on a mission to uncover the mysteries of our Solar System.

Important Details

  • As New Horizons soared through the cosmos, it captured breathtaking images of Pluto and sent them back to Earth. Can you imagine the excitement when scientists saw what these pictures revealed? They discovered that a significant portion of Pluto’s surface was adorned with something truly extraordinary—ice volcanoes!
  • Just like the fiery volcanoes we learn about on Earth, these ice volcanoes on Pluto have a special characteristic. Instead of spewing molten rock, they erupt with a fascinating blend of ice and water called “cryovolcanoes.” Beneath the icy surface of Pluto lies the possibility of a hidden ocean, brought to life by the intense heat from the planet’s core.
  • When scientists studied the images sent by New Horizons, they noticed the presence of large domes scattered across Pluto’s surface. These peculiar formations turned out to be the magnificent ice volcanoes. Imagine towering structures, shaped like gigantic mountains, but made entirely of ice! They are like frozen fountains, shooting out icy lava into the frigid vacuum of space.
  • What’s truly remarkable is that these ice volcanoes are concentrated in a particular region of Pluto known as the “Sputnik Planitia,” often referred to as Pluto’s heart. If you take a closer look at a picture of Pluto, you’ll notice that this heart-shaped area is covered in vast, icy plains—a sight that is both mesmerizing and enchanting.
  • So, our young friends, isn’t it incredible to think about what lies beyond our own planet? Pluto, once considered the farthest world in our Solar System, continues to surprise us with its icy wonders. As scientists delve deeper into these discoveries, they hope to unlock the secrets of this distant realm.

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