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Image depicting India & Romania Partner for Enhanced Defence Collaboration!

India & Romania Partner for Enhanced Defence Collaboration!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Simona Cojocaru sees India as an important partner in the Indo-Pacific region. She is the State Secretary and Chief of International Relations of Romania. She also believes that a defence deal between India and Romania will improve relations. Thereby leading to an exchange of expertise and knowledge.

Romania-India Defence Pact: Enhancing Cooperation

  • The agreement aims to promote cooperation in the field of defence between India and Romania. It will create opportunities in sectors like defence medicine and scientific research. Ms Cojocaru held discussions with her Indian counterpart, Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane. Their discussion covered various topics including security in the Black Sea and Indo-Pacific regions.

  • The two officials discussed bilateral cooperation in areas like cyber defence, training, and education. Romania considers India a key partner in the Indo-Pacific area. It also sees potential in the EU Indo-Pacific strategy to enhance cooperation between the EU and India. The leaders of the European Union and India have planned to collaborate until 2025. In order to ensure the safety of the region surrounding India and the Pacific Ocean. The defence pact between India and Romania is expected to strengthen bilateral relations and promote regional stability.

  • Based on Simona Cojocaru’s statements and discussions, it can be inferred that Romania highly values its partnership with India in the Indo-Pacific region. The defence deal is seen as a significant step towards enhancing cooperation and sharing knowledge between the two countries.

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