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Indian Army simplifies recruitment process!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Indian Army has implemented changes to its recruitment process. Authorities state that the new way of recruiting will put more emphasis on intellectual skills.

What is the Indian Army Common Entrance Examination (CEE)?

The Common Entrance Examination (CEE) of the Indian Army is used to select candidates for different jobs, such as Indian Soldier, General Duty, and others.

The revisions hope to simplify and expedite the recruitment of Junior Commissioned Officers, Other Ranks, and Aginveers.

Key facts!

  • Prior to the recruiting process, there will be an exam known as the Common Entrance Exam (CEE).
  • The  Common Entrance Exam (CEE) will be given on a computer and will be taken online.
  • It is anticipated that this would result in wider and more effective outreach across the country.
  • In addition, it could also dramatically diminish the size of the crowds that gather at recruitment rallies.
  • Thus this will cut down on the number of people who are candidates for medical examinations.
  • Therefore this would also bring down the administrative obligations that are required for their conduct.
  • Officials believe that the process will become more simplified and simple to carry out.
  • Furthermore, it will be brought up to speed with the most recent technological developments once the revised procedures are put into place.
  • On the website of the Indian Army, candidates can now apply online:
    • according to their age
    • physical parameters
    • educational degree, and
    • any other Qualifying Criteria they meet (QRs).
  • Recruiting happens in three stages:
    • In the first stage, registered applicants take a computer-based online common entrance exam (CEE).
    • Once candidates have been shortlisted, they are called to a recruitment rally.
      • There, they go through the Physical Measurement Test and the Physical Fitness Test.
    • In the third stage, those who have been chosen will be subjected to medical examinations.

On National Geographic, you can see how the older cadets help the younger ones get ready for the challenges of the future.

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