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International Men’s Day!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

International Men’s Day is on November 19th each year. It honors the positive roles of men and boys in our society, families, and communities worldwide. This day is not only for celebrating their achievements. It also focuses on discussing important issues. These include their mental health and societal expectations.

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Key Facts

  • How It Started and Grew:

    • Beginning: International Men’s Day started in 1992 by Thomas Oaster.
    • Revival in 1999: Dr. Jerome Teelucksingh, a professor from Trinidad and Tobago, made the day more popular in 1999.
    • Reason for the Date: He chose November 19th to remember his dad’s birthday and a big football event in Trinidad and Tobago.
    • Focus: The day is meant to think about important issues that men and boys face, not just to celebrate being male.
  • Why We Celebrate It:

    • Events and Talks: People all around the world mark the day with special events and discussions.
    • Celebration and Reflection: It’s a day to think about the good things men do and to understand the challenges they face.
    • Health and Roles: The day encourages talks about men’s health and their roles in society.
  • Special Themes and Worldwide Impact:

    • 2023 Theme – ‘Zero Male Suicide’: This year, the theme focuses on men’s mental health and the importance of them getting help when needed.
    • Link with Movember: The day happens at the same time as Movember, a time when people raise awareness and money for men’s health.
    • Fighting Stereotypes and Supporting Equality: It’s also a day to challenge unfair ideas about men and to support equal treatment for everyone.
    • Everyone Joins In: People from different places around the world celebrate this day, showing how we all value the role of men in our lives.

Wishing all the boys and men a happy Men’s day!

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Comments: 1
  1. Mr. Tushar Jain says:

    I love to read news
    Specialy I love this news

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