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ISS drops 78 kg garbage using special trash bags


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Something exciting happened on July 2nd at the International Space Station (ISS)! They released a special bag filled with around 78 kilograms (that’s a lot!) of garbage. This might not sound like a big deal, but it’s actually a really important step in keeping the space station clean and safe.

Revolutionary Trash Disposal

  • You see, NASA’s Johnson Space Centre and Nanoracks have been working together to create a brand new waste disposal system for the ISS.
  • This system uses special bags that are designed to burn up completely when they enter Earth’s atmosphere. Inside these bags, you’ll find all sorts of things like dirty clothes, packaging materials, office supplies, and even hygiene items.

  • Before this new system, astronauts had to keep all the trash on the space station and send it back to Earth on a cargo vehicle called Cygnus. Can you imagine living in a place where you can’t throw away your trash? It would get pretty smelly and crowded!
  • But now, thanks to this new waste disposal system, the astronauts can fill up these special bags with up to 600 pounds of trash and release them outside through an airlock. It’s like taking out the garbage, but in space!

  • This new technology is a big deal because it makes getting rid of trash in space much easier and more efficient. It’s not just about keeping the ISS clean and tidy, though. Did you know that all the satellites we send into space can create a lot of junk?
  • This junk, called space debris, floats around in zero gravity and can be dangerous for astronauts on the ISS. By using this new waste disposal system, the ISS crew is helping to reduce the amount of space debris and make their home in space safer.

  • So, the International Space Station took a big step on July 2nd by releasing around 78 kilograms of garbage using a special bag. This new waste disposal system is a great way to keep the space station clean and also help reduce the amount of space debris floating around.
  • It’s important for astronauts to have a clean and safe environment while they live and work in space. Who knew that taking out the trash could be so important, even in outer space?

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