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Image depicting Leo's Applause for Fish Hero!

Leo’s Applause for Fish Hero!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey, knowledge-hungry wanderer! Let us tell you a super cool and interesting story about a man named Abraham and his amazing fish discovery!

Once upon a time, in a faraway land called India, there was a brave man named Abraham A. He used to be a soldier but later became known as a fish explorer. Isn’t that crazy? Anyway, one day, while taking a bath (just like we do!), he noticed something unusual in his bucket. Can you guess what it was? A red thread! How funny is that?

But wait, this wasn’t an ordinary thread. It was moving! Gasp! Abraham was really curious about this mysterious moving thread, so he carefully took it out and put it in a glass jar. He then showed it to a super smart professor named Dr. Binoy Thomas, who introduced him to some researchers.

Fishy Exploration!

  • Guess what? They all got really excited because they discovered a brand-new fish species called the Pathala Eel Loach! Wow! It’s a fancy name, right? “Pathala” means “below the feet” in a language called Sanskrit. That’s because this fish likes to live underground, just like a little explorer!
  • Now, this special fish lives in something called aquifers. Hmm, that’s a big word. Think of aquifers as huge rocks that hold water underground. It’s like a secret world where this fishy friend hides. And you know what’s even cooler? They found four more fish from the same species in Abraham’s well and water tank. It’s like they had a little fish party there!
  • Here’s the best part! A famous actor we all know and love, Leonardo DiCaprio, heard about this amazing discovery. He’s not just a movie star; he also cares about our planet and nature. Leo was so impressed that he shared a picture of the Pathala Eel Loach on Instagram. Wow! Imagine a Hollywood superstar talking about a fish you discovered – that’s mind-blowing!
  • Leo said something really important in his post. He talked about “citizen science.” That means regular people like you and me can help scientists discover new things about our world. Isn’t that fantastic? We don’t need to be superheroes; we can find incredible things just by going about our normal days.
  • Now, you know most fish love swimming in rivers and lakes, right? But this fishy is unique! It prefers to live in groundwater, deep down under the Earth’s surface. How cool is that? And guess what? There are around 17-18 fish species like this in India, and some of them are only found in Kerala, the place where Abraham lives. It’s like a hidden treasure!
  • Scientists say these groundwater fish have been around for millions of years, even when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Can you believe that? They are like little ancient fishy time travelers!
  • So, thanks to Abraham’s accidental discovery, scientists now know more about these special fish that live underground. And you know what’s the most heartwarming part? Abraham felt so happy and proud when he heard Leonardo DiCaprio mentioned his name. It’s like he became a superstar too! Isn’t that sweet?
  • So, my little friend, never underestimate the power of discovery, even in the simplest moments. You never know what incredible things are waiting for you out there. Who knows, maybe one day, you’ll discover something amazing too! Keep exploring and making the world a better place, just like Abraham and Leo.

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