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Maradona the football legend passes away


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Argentinian football legend Maradona has passed away at the age of sixty. He died of a heart attack on 25 November.

Diego Maradona is regarded as one of the greatest footballers of all time and was adored by millions around the world.

About Maradona

Diego Armando Maradona was born on 30 October 1960 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. By the time he was 12, he was already impressing people with his football skills.

In his career, he played club football for many clubs including Boca Juniors, Napoli and Barcelona, where he won many trophies.

He led Argentina to win the World Cup in 1986. During this tournament, he was responsible for the infamous “Hand of God” goal that knocked England out of the competition.

This was a hand goal which the referee did not notice and was allowed. His other goal in the same game was voted “Goal of the Century” by voters in 2002.

He was one of the two joint winners of the FIFA Player of the 20th Century award, the other being Brazil’s Pelé.

After his retirement in 1997, he also worked as a manager of the Argentine national football team for a short time. However, he had some problems as he developed drug addiction problems and had health issues.

Tributes to him have poured in online from players and fans across the world. Argentina has declared three days of national mourning in his honour.

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