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Image depicting Megha Sharma

Megha Sharma participates in ISRO Yuvika Programme


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Young Scientist Programme YUVIKA (Yuva Vigyani Karyakram) was launched on 10th May 2022. This programme is meant for school children to educate them about space programmes.

Megha Sharma, a girl from Jamshedpur will participate in ISRO Yuvika Scientist Programme.

Important Details

  • The student of Class 9, Megha Sharma got selected for ISRO’s Yuvika programme.
  • She is from the school Sant Nandlal Smriti Vidya Mandir (SNSVM).
  • The manager of the school said that a total of 11 students from the school had participated in the test.
  • ISRO selected 150 students, out of which, Megha Sharma earned the opportunity to visit ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) centre under the young scientists’ programme.
  • The Yuvika programme will be held in the Hyderabad centre of ISRO, Sriharikota from 16th May to 28th May 2022.
  • SNSVM teacher Sumita Bhattacharya honoured Megha and her father during the joint assembly organized by the school’s management.
  • The girl gave credit for her success to her teachers and parents.
  • She is quite excited to visit the ISRO centre.
  • At Curious Times, we extend our good wishes to Megha Sharma for getting selected for the ISRO Yuvika programme.

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