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Image depicting Mission to Venus EnVision, space

Mission to Venus: Europe is also sending a probe


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Earlier we read about NASA’s two new missions to Venus. Now, the European Space Agency (ESA) has also announced one.

ESA will be sending a spacecraft named EnVision to study Venus. Not only that but NASA and ESA will be cooperating with each other on all 3 missions.

This newly-announced space mission to Venus will launch in 2031. It is expected to arrive in Venus by 2033/34. EnVision will carry six experiments or instruments.

While humans have sent many missions to Mars, Venus has not been explored that much. This planet that is often called “Earth’s twin” is extremely hot. Its temperature is due to its atmosphere that is full of gases, creating a greenhouse effect. This greenhouse effect is also the reason for climate change and global warming on Earth. Hence, now scientists want to understand it better.

All three missions to Venus will study why it became so different from Earth. This is despite both planets having started out in a similar way.

ESA also plans to use EnVision to find out how many active volcanoes Venus has today.

Video credit: Thomas Widemann/Youtube

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