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Image depicting Muscle can be altered into bone, check out a new study!

Muscle can be altered into bone, check out a new study!


Recommended for Middle Grades

A very rare condition in which muscles, tendons, and ligaments slowly turn into bone. This was the focus of a study that followed dozens of individuals over the course of three years.  The condition, which is called fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive (FOP), lasts a lifetime and can’t be cured.

Estimates of its occurrence vary widely, but confirmed cases occur in around one out of every one to two million births. Worldwide, there are only about 800 people who have been diagnosed with FOP.

Key facts!

  • This change happens in at the genetic level that controls how bone is made.
  • The cells make bone tissue in places where there shouldn’t normally be any.
  • The process of soft tissue getting harder, which is caused by FOP, doesn’t happen in a steady state.  Instead, it happens in waves.
  • Most of the time, the symptoms start in childhood.
  • They usually start in the neck and shoulders, causing the bone to grow in the shape of ribbons, sheets, and plates.
  • The hard tissue, which includes joints makes it harder and harder to move around.
  • Eventually, it locks body parts in place and shortens the lives of those who have it.
  • Over the course of a patient’s life, muscle swelling and inflammation can get worse because of illness or physical damage.
  • It is hoped that the results of this research will help the medical community to better meet the needs of patients.

Youtube user “Ligament Basics” explains ligament.

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