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Image depicting NASA images sun beaming with happiness!

NASA images sun beaming with happiness!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

According to a satellite photo from NASA, the sun has a pattern that looks like a smiling face. There are dark spots in the pattern, which are called “coronal holes.”

What is a coronal hole?

A coronal hole is a temporary area in the sun’s core where the Sun’s magnetic field goes out into space as an open field and the plasma is cooler and less thick.

Scientists say coronal holes could mean that a solar storm could hit Earth in the week ahead.

NASA’s image of the sun smiling brings delight. “The Solar Dynamics Observatory at NASA has recently captured the sun in a happy mood,” it tweeted.

“Doesn’t that look like the face of the Stay Puft marshmallow man from Ghostbusters?” a commenter on social media asked. Another person on social media compared the sun to BN Mini chocolate cookie smiles.

Key facts!

  • NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory investigates how solar activity forms and affects space weather.
  • The observatory’s spacecraft launched on February 11, 2010, to study the sun’s interior, atmosphere, magnetic field, and energy output.
  • The NASA photo has garnered internet attention since its release.
  • The image has been compared to Teletubbies’ sun, a Halloween pumpkin, and a lion.
  • Despite the sun’s pleasant appearance, researchers warn that coronal holes could indicate a solar storm that will reach Earth soon.
  • Solar storms are diverse outbursts of mass and energy from the sun’s surface that distort the planet’s magnetic field.
  • This makes the polar lights, also known as auroras, more visible in both hemispheres.

Youtube user “Kurzgesagt” investigates whether a solar storm could end a civilization.

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