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Image depicting NASA's Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars

NASA’s Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars


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NASA’s Perseverance rover successfully landed on Mars on 18 February. It was launched from Earth in July 2020.

Perseverance landed in a deep crater near the planet’s equator called Jezero. Jezero is thought to have been the spot of a giant lake, billions of years ago.

Landing on Mars

Landing on Mars is not easy and so, NASA was nervous about it. But it went well and the spacecraft is in great shape. It also sent back its first images of Mars (see above).

This is the 5th rover that NASA has put on Mars. The previous one, Curiosity, was landed in a different crater in 2012.

The Perseverance rover will now spend at least the next two years drilling into rocks in the crater. Its mission is to look for signs of life on Mars in the past.

One of the NASA scientists leading the mission is Dr Swati Mohan, an Indian-American engineer. She has also earlier worked on projects like Cassini (a NASA mission to Saturn).


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The mission to Mars is one of the most interesting things happening in space technology today. Many governments and private companies are trying to find new ways of exploring the Red Planet. With Mars sharing a few similarities to Earth, scientists and researchers are excited about the possibility of travelling and perhaps living on Mars someday. So, keep reading Curious Times for fascinating updates on space technology, research and space news for kids. 

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