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Nature sounds are good for your health


Recommended for Middle Grades

Do you like hearing nature sounds, like the sound of birds or waterfalls? Science says that such sounds are not only nice to hear but also good for your health.

People have known for hundreds of years that such sounds help us to feel relaxed. But why exactly is that?

A new study says that this is because they physically alter the connections in our brains.

Scientists asked 17 people to listen to 5 minutes of different sounds, both man-made and nature sounds. In the meantime, they took scans of their brains and monitored their heartbeat. While listening, participants also performed a task to measure their attention and reaction time.

After this, scientists studied their brain scans. They found that listening to man-made sounds made participants pay more attention to themselves, like their worries and stress. They also performed tasks slower during these times.

However, while listening to nature sounds, they concentrated more on what was happening outside and performed tasks faster.

This shows that people with a lot of stress could feel better even after short walks in nature. Other studies also show that nature sounds can reduce pain and improve moods.

So, if you can, make sure to take walks regularly and enjoy the sounds of nature for your good health.

Video credit: Tim Irving/Youtube

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