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Image depicting Neeraj Chopra makes India proud at World Athletics Championships!

Neeraj Chopra makes India proud at World Athletics Championships!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, sports enthusiast! Guess what? we’ve got a super cool story for you about a guy named Neeraj Chopra. He did something so amazing that it made history! Let’s dive into this awesome adventure together!

So, first things first, Neeraj Chopra is a really strong and athletic guy from India. He’s into this special sport called “javelin throw.” Imagine a long stick that’s about as tall as two grown-ups stacked on top of each other. Neeraj’s job is to throw this stick really, really far, like when you’re playing catch but with a super long stick!

Javelin Hero Neeraj!

  • Now, here’s the really cool part. Neeraj went to a big competition called the “World Athletics Championships.” This is like a huge event where people from all around the world come to show off their sports skills. And guess what? Neeraj threw the javelin so far that he won a silver medal! This was a big deal because he was the very first Indian man to ever win a medal at this event! It’s like he made history and became a sports hero!
  • So, this special competition happened in a place called the United States. Neeraj showed up and got ready to throw that javelin. At first, he had a little hiccup and didn’t throw it as well as he wanted. But he didn’t give up! He threw it really far in his second try, and guess what? He landed in second place! He kept that awesome spot until the competition ended.
  • Neeraj’s story teaches us some super cool things. First, it’s important to never give up, even if things don’t go perfectly at the start. Neeraj started with a mistake but ended up winning a medal! Also, he showed us that with practice and determination, we can achieve amazing things. And guess what? Even if you’re the first person from your country to do something, like Neeraj, you can make your family, friends, and your whole country super proud!
  • Now, imagine Neeraj wearing a superhero cape while throwing that javelin. Whoosh! There goes the stick, flying through the air like a rocket! But wait, in the beginning, Neeraj kind of threw the javelin like a spaghetti noodle trying to fly. Oops! But hey, he didn’t let that bother him. He said, “No worries, I got this!” And on his next try, he threw it so far that even the birds were like, “Whoa, what’s that flying thing?”
  • And guess what? When Neeraj got that silver medal, he did a little happy dance that looked like a mix of disco and Bollywood moves. People all over India were cheering and dancing too! Even the elephants in the jungles were doing a little wiggle because they were so excited!
  • But you know what’s really touching? Neeraj made everyone feel so proud. His family, his friends, and the whole country had big smiles on their faces. Even the clouds in the sky looked extra fluffy and happy that day. It’s like Neeraj’s achievement brought so much happiness all around.
  • And that’s the story, my little friend! Neeraj Chopra, with his awesome javelin throwing skills, won a shiny silver medal and made history. He taught us to keep trying, to believe in ourselves, and to make our country proud. So remember, no matter how big your dreams are, with a bit of hard work and a lot of determination, you can make amazing things happen, just like Neeraj!
  • Stay curious, stay awesome, and keep shining bright like a shooting star! 

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