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Nepal Plane Crash affects many!


Recommended for Middle Grades

We have to inform you about a sad incident that happened in Nepal. A plane crashed near the Pokhara airport, and many people were affected by it. The plane, operated by Yeti Airlines, was on its way to the popular tourist destination of Pokhara when the accident occurred.

Important Details

  • News reports tell us that there were 72 passengers on board the plane. Unfortunately, while the plane was trying to land, it crashed and caught fire. It’s really heartbreaking to hear about such a tragic event.
  • Videos shared on social media show the plane flying low over a busy area before making a steep turn. It must have been a terrifying experience for everyone on board. The authorities have confirmed that more than sixty people lost their lives in this terrible accident. Many others were seriously injured and had to be taken to a hospital for medical help.
  • The plane crashed in a small area next to the Seti River. There are videos circulating on social media, but it’s important to note that they have not been verified yet. These videos show thick black smoke and the wreckage of the burning plane.
  • The state authorities have already started search and rescue operations to help those who may still be in need. They will also investigate the cause of the crash. Aeroplane accidents are not uncommon in Nepal, as explained by aviation experts. The country’s remote runways and sudden changes in weather can create dangerous conditions for flights.
  • It’s a really difficult and sad time for everyone involved. Let’s keep the people affected by this incident in our thoughts and hope that such accidents can be prevented in the future.

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