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Image depicting Paris-Doha bike ride for FIFA 2022!

Paris-Doha bike ride for FIFA 2022!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Two French fans had a long way to go before they could get to the FIFA 2022 World Cup in time to watch their country play. Mehdi Balamissa and Gabriel Martin decided that the best way to get from France to Qatar would be to ride bicycles.

The friends rode their bicycles nearly 7,000 kilometres over the course of three months. They did so to get to Qatar 2022 and watch their national team, France, defend its title.

“It was ridiculous, but they like to think big and don’t want regrets,” they added.

Since they both are self-employed, they decided that go to Qatar for three months.

As this would be the best way to spend our time.

Key facts!

  • They began their monumental journey from the headquarters of the French national team.
  •  And ended at the gorgeous Lusail Stadium in Qatar.
  • The Lusail Stadium is the location that will play host to the final during Qatar 2022.
  • On a daily basis, they would travel an average of 115 kilometres while also taking breaks and rest days as necessary.
  • The journey took them through a total of 13 different nations.
  • The two bikers faced a variety of challenges along the route, including dozens of flat tyres.
  • But they were able to persevere because of their contagious upbeat attitude.
  • They were also overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness of strangers along the road.
  • They feel the most important part of the journey is to be flexible and adapt to new situations.
  • Since their arrival, the French Football Federation has invited the two to see the team and provided them with tickets to all three group matches.
  • French authorities have also given each of them a national jersey that had been signed by the French team’s players.
  • They expressed the hope that their journey would raise awareness about the advantages of eco-friendly travel.
  • In addition, they intend to host cycling clinics for youngsters who come from economically deprived families.

Asher’s Club is a channel on YouTube that tells us why kids should ride bikes.

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