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Protests in Pakistan for ‘AZADI’!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there, curious reader! Get ready for a wild ride through the ups and downs of Pakistan’s economy. Brace yourself for some twists and turns as we explore how protests have taken a toll on their reeling economy.

Buckle up, because this story is about to get interesting!

Economic Rollercoaster: Protests & Chaos

  • So, you know how countries have their own economies, right? Well, Pakistan’s economy has been going through a real rollercoaster lately. First, it was already struggling, like a wobbly table missing a leg. And then, to make things even more exciting, protests came along to give it an extra push!
  • Picture this: people all over Pakistan started protesting, demanding some big changes. They were shouting, waving signs, and causing quite the ruckus!
  • But here’s the funny part – while the protesters were making a lot of noise, their actions were causing even more chaos for the economy.
  • You see, when protests happen, things can get a little chaotic. Businesses might have to shut down, transportation can become a mess, and investors might get a bit hesitant to put their money into the country.
  • It’s like a game of dominoes, where one falling domino knocks down the next one, and then another, and another!

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