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Image depicting Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti, 9 May!

Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey hey, did you know that May 9th is Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti? That’s when we celebrate the 162st birthday of one of the coolest poets ever! When you hear the “Jana Gana Mana” national anthem, you gotta stand up straight because it’s so powerful!

And guess what? Tagore wasn’t just a poet, he was also a musician and an artist! He was so talented that he even won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913! People called him the “Gurudev” of Indian writing. Now that’s what we call a superstar!

What is special and inspiring about Tagore?

Oh boy, did you know that when Tagore was just eight years old, he started writing poetry?! And guess what? He’s famous all over India for being one of the best poets in the country’s history!

But wait, there’s more! Tagore also loved painting, music, and all sorts of artistic stuff. He even wrote some books like Song Offerings, Fair-Faced, and The Home and the World. What a talented person!


Tagore wasn’t down with boring old-school education where you just have to memorize everything in textbooks. Nope, he wanted something way cooler! So, he went and made a university in West Bengal called Visva-Bharati.

This place is all about learning in a different way! It’s not just some regular university, it’s super special! And let us tell you, students totally loved it! Visva-Bharati is where it’s at, folks!

An artist and a nationalist!

Tagore  was so famous that people all over the world respected him! Yep, from India to Europe, South America, and East Asia, everybody loved him. And get this, he was totally against British colonialism and wanted India to be independent.

He believed that people and countries should work together, and that’s why he wrote the Anthem! Tagore was a total rockstar!

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Watch a video

Watch a video below on his life to celebrate Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti:

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