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Radiation from SpaceX Satellites!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hey there, probing thinker We’ve got some super space news for you today! So, you know about SpaceX, right? They’re the cool company that sends rockets and satellites into space.

Well, it turns out that their satellites, called Starlink, are causing a bit of a problem for scientists who study space.

Satellite Radio Troubles

  • Scientists have found out that the electronics on these Starlink satellites are “leaking” radio waves that can mess with our ability to do astronomy. You see, when we look at space, we use special devices that can pick up different kinds of waves, like radio waves and visible light.
  • Now, these satellites are supposed to communicate with Earth using certain radio waves, but it seems they are also giving off extra radio waves that they shouldn’t. It’s like they’re playing a radio station that’s interrupting the stations astronomers want to listen to.
  • The scientists used a super cool network of radio antennas called LOFAR to investigate this problem. They observed 68 Starlink satellites and found out that 47 of them were emitting these extra radio waves. It’s like they were having a little party up there in space!
  • So, what does all of this mean? Well, it means that these extra radio waves from the satellites could make it harder for scientists to study space using radio waves. Right now, the effect is not too big, but if more and more satellites start doing the same thing, it could become a bigger problem. Luckily, the scientists have already talked to SpaceX about it, and they are working on fixing the issue.
  • In the future, the satellite designs can be changed to reduce this problem, and the people who make the rules for space stuff will have to think about making new rules to prevent this kind of interference.
  • In the end, it’s important for everyone, including companies like SpaceX and the people who regulate space, to work together and support each other to make sure we can explore space without any unwanted interruptions. Space is a big place, and we don’t want anything to spoil the fun of discovering new things out there!

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