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Rare transparent fish found in Alaska


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Salutations, insightful dreamer! Guess what? Something super cool and funny happened during a deep-sea adventure in Alaska! 

Fish expert, Sarah Friedman, and her team went on an exciting underwater journey and discovered an extra special fishy friend! This fish is so rare that not everyone gets to see it – talk about being a true hidden gem! 

Now, this fish is not your regular fishy – it’s called a “blotched snailfish,” but it’s also known as a “transparent fish.” Can you imagine having a see-through fishy as a pet? How funny would that be?! 

Transparent Marvels: Deep-Sea Discovery!

  • But wait, why is this fish so special and why does it need to be transparent? Let’s find out! You see, the water in the deep-sea can be really dark and mysterious. The fish needs to hide from its predators, those scary creatures that want to have fish for dinner! Yikes! 
  • So, how does this fish do it? Well, it’s like having a superpower! The fish’s body is kind of reddish and see-through, which is perfect for blending in with its surroundings. It’s like wearing a magical invisibility cloak – just like a wizard from your favorite storybooks! 
  • The fish is so clever that it can adjust its body to match the colors of light that come through the water. It’s like wearing a different outfit depending on the mood of the sea! If there’s red light, which has a short wavelength, it doesn’t go too deep into the water. And that’s good news for our fishy friend! It means it won’t be lit up like a glowstick at a party and become an easy target for predators. Phew! 
  • But that’s not all – this fish has another cool trick up its fin! It has little suction cups on its belly, kind of like how you use a vacuum cleaner to stick things to the floor. These suction cups help our fishy buddy hold onto rocks even when the water currents are as strong as a hurricane!
  • Imagine if you had suction cups on your feet – you could walk up walls like a superhero! This little fish sure knows how to stay safe and sound in its underwater world.
  • And guess what? Ms. Friedman and her team found many more amazing creatures during their deep-sea adventure! The ocean is full of surprises, just like a treasure chest waiting to be opened! 
  • So, curious reader, what do you think about these unique and wonderful sea creatures? Aren’t they fascinating? We bet you have some incredible thoughts of your own. Feel free to share them with us in the comments below! Let’s dive into this exciting world of the deep-sea together! 

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