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Image depicting rare white baby kangaroo or joey born in American zoo

Rare white baby kangaroo born in American zoo


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Do you know what a baby kangaroo is called? A joey.

Recently, a very special joey was born at the Animal Adventure Park in New York, US. Its fur is completely white in colour!

This white joey was actually born several months ago to a red kangaroo (the largest type of all kangaroos).

When red kangaroos are born, they are very very tiny and they stay in their mothers’ pouches for the first 4 to 5 months. So, that’s why the zookeepers noticed its white colour only recently.

Why is this baby kangaroo white?

Like the world’s only white giraffe, the joey’s white colour is likely due to a rare genetic condition called leucism. This condition causes the loss of skin colour.

The zoo’s announcement of this amazing news has received over 25,000 ‘likes’ on Facebook.

Watch a cute video of a kangaroo and her joey playing together:


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There are so many animals in the world. Some live on land, some on trees, some in water and some fly up in the sky. Some are fun and playful and some quite dangerous too. Sometimes they work in teams but some prefer to be alone. Can you think of some of the qualities that you love about animals? Read our animal news for kids for more interesting animal stories.

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