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Romans discover spooky spirit-phone!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hello, eager investigator! Guess what? Some cool and spooky stuff from a long time ago has been discovered near Jerusalem! Researchers found ancient objects in a cave that were used to communicate with the dead.

Can you believe it? It’s like magic, but not the fun kind!

Creepy Conversations: Unveiling Necromantic Secrets

  • The artifacts found in the Te’omim cave give us clues about this mysterious practice called necromancy, or “death magic.” They found human skulls, oil lamps, and even parts of weapons hidden deep inside the cave. It seems like people were trying really hard to talk to the dead. Yikes!
  • The researchers think that these rituals were happening between the second and fourth centuries A.D., during the Roman era. Here’s the funny part: most of the Jewish people had been kicked out by the Romans, and they brought in a new bunch of people who believed in all these weird customs. Imagine moving to a new place and bringing along your spooky rituals!
  • This cave was a hotspot for the dead-talkers. It was the perfect location for their creepy rituals. It was kind of hidden, not too far from the main road, and had a deep shaft that they thought was a gateway to the underworld. Talk about being in the right place for some ghostly chats!
  • The researchers also found some gold and silver coins and a rare kind of rock in the cave. Maybe they were used to create fancy artworks. Who knows? People back then were into some strange things.
  • Oh, and did you know that necromancy was considered evil and forbidden in the Roman Empire? But that didn’t stop folks from believing they could speak to the dead. They had secret “oracle” sites near their cities where they thought they could get messages from beyond.
  • So, the lamps, skulls, and weapons were carefully hidden deep within the cave, and people even used long poles with hooks to reach them. It’s like they wanted to keep everything a big secret. The lamps couldn’t have given much light in those deep crevices, but they were thought to help communicate with the dead. Talk about getting a message in a bottle!
  • Now, here’s the interesting part. Some bones were also used to try and connect with specific people who had passed away. They believed that the flickering flames of the lamps were like messages from the underworld. It sounds crazy, right?
  • So, what does all of this mean? Well, it shows us that back in the Roman era, people had all kinds of beliefs and practiced different religions. The Te’omim cave was an important place for their strange rituals. And it’s funny how different it was from the early Christian churches we know today.
  • So, my little friend, remember to stick with the fun magic tricks and leave the death magic to the Romans of the past. Let’s keep things light and humourous, just like we are!

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