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Safety lessons needed after train tragedy!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there! Let us tell you a story, but hold on tight because it’s a little bit serious. So, there was a place called Balasore in Odisha where something really big happened. There was a train accident, and guess what? It was all because of some negligence! Can you believe that?

Well, the police got involved, and they registered a complaint at the Balasore Government Railway Police station. They even wrote something called a First Information Report (FIR) to investigate what went wrong. It’s like a detective story, but with trains! Let’s dive into the important details and find out more, shall we?

Train Tragedy: Negligence Unveiled

  • Okay, detective, here’s the scoop. A police officer named Papu Kumar Naik, who is an Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police, filed the complaint. He said that because two trains, the Howrah-Chennai Coromandel Express and the Yeshwantpur-Howrah Express, collided, there was chaos! The coaches of both trains flipped over like acrobats, and sadly, more than a hundred people lost their lives, and many more got hurt. Ouch!

  • Now, they have to figure out who is to blame for this mess. So, they registered the case under some fancy sections like Sections 337, 338, 304-A, and more. It’s like a secret code for the law. The police are on a mission to find out who didn’t do their job properly and caused this terrible accident. Ranjit Nayak, who is a sub-divisional railway police officer, is leading the investigation. He’s like a superhero detective!

  • But wait, there’s more! The railway employees who were in charge of the signals at the Bahanaga station are being watched closely. It’s like they are under a magnifying glass, and every move they make is being noticed. They have to make sure they didn’t mess up and cause this whole train disaster.

  • So, curious little friend, we have to wait and see what the investigation uncovers. Who will be held responsible for this train accident? It’s like a big puzzle waiting to be solved. Until then, let’s keep our detective hats on and hope that they find out the truth. Stay tuned for the next chapter of this thrilling train mystery!

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