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Spacecraft Voyager 1 detects a constant ‘hum’ in deep space


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there, space adventurers! Get ready for an out-of-this-world story about our special friends, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. These brave space travelers were like cool cosmic explorers, zooming out into the great unknown from way back in 1977. NASA, the space experts, gave them this important mission: to discover the secrets of space far, far away from our Sun’s home.

Voyager Adventures: Cosmic Chronicles

  • Now, let’s meet Voyager 1 first. This space hero is now hanging out super far away – about 22.8 billion km from Earth. Woah, that’s like taking more than 150 super-duper long trips around the Earth and Sun! Voyager 1 is the farthest thing ever made by humans. Yep, it’s like the ultimate space adventure souvenir.
  • Both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are like space postcards, sending us news about their journey. Imagine getting postcards from space – that’s way cooler than a vacation postcard, right? But guess what? Voyager 1’s camera took its last space selfie in 1990. It had to save its power for more important things.
  • Now, here comes the funny part: Voyager 1 has been hearing a secret hum since 2017. It’s like a cosmic lullaby, but only scientists can hear it. This hum is like a space song made by something called plasma waves. Plasma is like a super-duper hot gas that hangs around between the stars. So, it’s like Voyager 1’s ears are dancing to the rhythm of space itself!
  • This special hum is like a treasure map. It can help scientists learn about the space stuff between the stars. You know, the stuff that’s in the empty space when you look up at the night sky. They call it the “interstellar medium” or ISM. It’s like the space glue that holds galaxies like a big cosmic puzzle.
  • Now, here’s the twist in our space tale. Just like your toys sometimes take naps, Voyager 1’s tools might go to sleep by 2025. But don’t worry, scientists are working super hard to learn as much as they can from Voyager 1’s adventures before its space tools take a rest.
  • So, remember, even when you think something’s done, there’s always more to learn and explore. Just like Voyager 1, keep sending good vibes and smiles out into the universe. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be a space explorer too!

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