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Image depicting SpaceX’s Starship private tour to the moon gets its passengers!

SpaceX’s Starship private tour to the moon gets its passengers!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

SpaceX’s Starship will make history when it takes the first space traveller on a trip around the moon. Dennis Tito and his wife will go on a tour to the Moon.

82-year-old Dennis Tito has travelled in the past to the International Space Station. The couple is excited about this opportunity. He is not interested in taking a voyage to the edge of space that takes only ten minutes, nor is he interested in doing something that he accomplished 21 years ago. “Been there, done that” is an old saying.

Key facts of the journey to the Moon!

  • Their seven-day mission to the moon will take place in the distant future.
  • The journey will get them to within 200 kilometres of the far side of the moon.
  • Dennis will be accompanied by his wife, Akiko, as well as ten other people.
  • The duo is aware that there is still a significant amount of testing and development that has to be done for Starship.
  • Tito and his wife make a conscious effort to stay healthy and fit for their space journey.
  • The starship is the longest and most powerful rocket that has ever been constructed.
  • It measures nearly 400 feet in length.
  • Tito stated that the couple’s contract with SpaceX includes an option for a flight that may take place within the next five years.
  • Tito would have been 87 years old at that point, and he needed an escape clause in case his health began to fail.
  • Tito’s wife, who is 57 years old, stated that she did not require any convincing.
  • Both inhabitants of Los Angeles are pilots, so they are aware of the potential dangers.
  • They feel that other people will be motivated to follow in their footsteps if they see a married couple travelling to the moon together in Musk’s vision for the future of space travel.

Youtube user “Subject Zero Science” takes you onboard the Starship from the comfort of your home.

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