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Image depicting Tamil Nadu artefacts demonstrate Sangam age literacy!

Tamil Nadu artefacts demonstrate Sangam age literacy!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Objects with Tamil-Brahmi script were uncovered at Keeladi, Tamil Nadu.  According to experts, these artefacts provide evidence of the high level of literacy during the Sangam age. 

What is Tamil-Brahmi script?

Tamil-Brahmi is a type of the Brahmi script that was used in southern India. It was used to write Tamil in its earliest form.

What is the Sangam age?

The Sangam age is a time in the history of ancient Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and parts of Sri Lanka that dates back to the 3rd century CE.

Furthermore, the inscriptions on discovered artefacts have a look and feel that is similar to the Indus Valley script.

The discovered objects, according to experts, fall within the category of “lifestyle.”

A number of artefacts, according to the authorities, will be housed in a museum in Keeladi.

Key facts!

  • The Tamil-Brahmi script was thought to have been written in the 5th century BCE.
  • However, the findings of Keeladi point to similarities with the Indus script.
  • Between the time of the Indus script and the time of the Brahmi script, it was very common for people to write on walls.
  • Graffiti is an old way of writing that dates back to the Iron Age.
  • Most of the time, they were made up of unreadable signs that looked like the Indus Valley alphabet.
  • There are also names written in Tamili, which is a language.
  • Officials say that so far in Keeladi excavation sites, about 1,500 objects with Tamil writing have been found.
  • Such as pots, earthenware, and many other tools.
  • These important discoveries make scholars wonder how old Tamil-Brahmi is.
  • Archaeologists think that a lot of writing on urns could mean that they all came from the same family.
  • Researchers are now doing a detailed study to find out if the Tamil Brahmi script and the Indus valley script are related in any way.

“StoryTrails,” a channel on YouTube, looks into how old Indian languages are and what their oldest scripts are.

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