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TATA Kestrel launches new vehicles


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Guess what? The cool company called TATA has just launched something super awesome! It’s called the Kestrel vehicle, and it’s really special.

TATA joined forces with DRDO (that’s the Defence Research and Development Organization) to build this amazing machine. They made it at the TATA Pimpri plant in Pune. Imagine a big factory with lots of tools and gears, making something really cool.

You know, TATA made a total of three Kestrel vehicles. And this new one seems to be for the ITBP, which is the Indo-Tibetan Border Police. They’re the ones who keep an eye on the Ladakh region. So, these vehicles might be used there to help them do their job.

TATA’s Kestrel Vehicle: Awesome & Special

  • Now, let’s talk about the features of the Kestrel vehicle. It’s a big vehicle with 8 wheels! Can you imagine that? Those wheels help it move around even on tight surfaces. And guess what? The two front wheels can even turn to help the vehicle go in the right direction. Cool, right?
  • Oh, and the tires of the Kestrel vehicle are special too. They can be deflated to help the vehicle pass through tough places. It’s like the vehicle can say, “Hey, I need to squeeze through here!” and then the tires get smaller to fit through.
  • The body of the Kestrel vehicle is made of steel and has armor plates in the important places. It’s like having a super strong shield to protect the people inside. Safety first!
  • Speaking of people inside, the Kestrel vehicle can carry up to 12 passengers. Out of those 12, two are for the crew members who drive the vehicle, and the rest are for soldiers, engineers, or other people who need to go along for the ride.
  • Oh, did we tell you something really cool? The Kestrel vehicle has a remote weapon system with a small calibre. It’s like a little surprise attack from far away. Watch out, bad guys!
  • TATA is really good at making awesome things for defense. Their technology is famous all around the world. It’s like they’re superheroes with their gadgets and vehicles. What do you think about that? Let us know in the comments below!
  • Remember, learning about new things can be fun, especially when they’re as cool as the Kestrel vehicle. Keep being curious, little buddy!

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