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Teenager Sejal Gulia wins fencing gold in Thailand Open


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Greetings, my inquiring friend! Let us tell you a fantastic story about a super talented teenager named Sejal Gulia from Bengaluru. She’s a real fencing champ, and she recently did something incredible!

You see, fencing is a cool sport where people fight with swords, but don’t worry, it’s all safe and fun! They follow special rules to score points against each other. It’s like playing a friendly sword game!

So, guess what? Sejal went all the way to Thailand to take part in a big fencing meet called the Thailand Open! And guess what happened? She won a shiny gold medal! How awesome is that? Everyone in Bangkok cheered for her!

Fencing Phenom: Sejal’s Triumph!

  • But that’s not all! Sejal is like a real-life sword-fighting superstar. Before this Thailand Open, she already won two gold medals in other competitions called the 4th Youngsters Cup and the 10th Mini Nationwide Fencing Championship. Can you believe it? She’s just so good at fencing!
  • You know what’s even more amazing? Sejal is not just a fencing champion, she’s also a brave girl with a heart of gold. She originally comes from a place called Jhajjar in Haryana, and her parents have a strong military background. That means they are super brave and protect their country!
  • Now, let’s learn a bit more about fencing. It’s a sport that comes from the olden days when people used to fight with swords for real, like knights and pirates! But don’t worry, today’s fencing is just a fun game.
  • In fencing, there are three types of swords they use: foils, epees, and sabres. Each sword has its own special rules and ways to play. It’s like having different kinds of swords in a video game!
  • To keep everyone safe while playing, the fencers wear special clothes that cover their whole body and face. They look like real-life sword superheroes in their protective gear!
  • All the fencers from different countries play together under a big organization called Fédération Internationale d’Escrime (FIE). In India, the Fencing Association of India takes care of the sport. They make sure everyone follows the rules and plays fair and square!
  • Now, here comes the best part of our story. Sejal worked super hard to become a fencing champion, and she practiced like crazy to win those gold medals. She’s like a real-life sword princess, fighting with skill and courage!
  • So, what’s the moral of this story? Sejal Gulia is not just a fencing champ, but also a shining example of how hard work and determination can make dreams come true! She proves that with a brave heart, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.
  • So, let’s give a big cheer for Sejal, the sword-fighting superstar from Bengaluru, who made India proud! Hooray for Sejal and hooray for fencing! Keep dreaming big, kids, and who knows, maybe someday you’ll be the next fencing champion too!

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