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Tesla’s electric car for kids – Cyberquad


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Hey there! Let us tell you all about Tesla’s Electric Car for kids, the Cyberquad. It’s like a mini version of a real electric car, just for you!

So, what exactly is an electric vehicle? Well, it’s a car that runs on batteries instead of gasoline. No stinky fumes or noisy engines here! Tesla’s Cyberquad is designed for kids aged 8 and above, and it’s super awesome.

Tesla’s Cyberquad: Mini Electric Fun!

  • Imagine zooming around in a car that can go up to 20 kilometers on a single charge. That’s like going on a mini road trip with your friends! And guess what? It even has three-speed settings, including reverse. So if you need to back up, no problemo!
  • But the fun doesn’t stop there. The Cyberquad has these cool tires that give you a soft and smooth ride. It’s like floating on a cloud while you cruise around the neighborhood. Talk about feeling like a superstar!
  • Now, let’s talk about charging this awesome ride. Just like you charge your cellphone, you can charge the Cyberquad’s battery. It takes about 5 hours to fully charge, so make sure you plan your adventures accordingly. And hey, while you wait for it to charge, you can catch up on your favorite cartoons or do some cool science experiments. Time flies when you’re having fun!
  • Here’s a fun fact: The Cyberquad is inspired by Tesla’s Cybertruck, which is a big, futuristic-looking pickup truck. So, when you ride the Cyberquad, it’s like you’re a mini version of a superhero driving a high-tech vehicle. How cool is that?
  • Now, here’s the thing, my friends. The Cyberquad is currently sold only in the United States. So if you’re lucky enough to be there, you can ask Santa Claus for an early Christmas gift. Imagine waking up on Christmas morning and finding your very own Cyberquad waiting for you! It’ll be a holiday season you won’t forget.
  • So, buckle up, put on your imaginary driving goggles, and get ready for some electrifying adventures with Tesla’s Cyberquad. It’s the perfect ride for young explorers like you. Just remember to always have fun and drive safely (even if it’s just in your imagination). Vroom, vroom!

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Comments: 2
  1. bhawnagoel says:

    Can I have 10 of these please?

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